
Showing posts from March, 2023
​PASTOR CECIL · Pastor Cecil's Devotional: "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN!" Revelation 1:5 THERE IS A FOUNTAIN! Revelation 1:5​ – Devotional Revelation 1:5 “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.”   Here are the lyrics to  There is a Fountain  by William Cowper (1731-1800) to read and contemplate on today as we approach Good Friday. There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day; and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away. Wash all my sins away, wash all my sins away; and there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood shall never lose its power till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more. Be saved, to sin no
​PASTOR CECIL · Pastor Cecil's Devotional: “BE CONFIDENT!” Isaiah 41:10 BE CONFIDENT! Isaiah 41:10 – Devotional Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not for I am with you. Don’t be depressed I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and hold you up with My righteous right hand. “ One summer when I was a young boy, I was challenged to memorize key verses in Scripture. One of those verses was Isaiah 41:10. I cannot begin to tell you how many times across the years this verse has been with me. In today’s world of Global Positioning System technology, there is a voice that gives instructions of where to turn and how far to go before giving the next instruction of where to turn and how far to go. I have known drivers that turn their GPS off just to silence that voice. I come from a day and age where we learned to read maps. When I worked as a milk man it was necessary to use a code to tell how many intersections to cross, when to turn left or right and which house was to receive the home deliv
​PASTOR CECIL · Pastor Cecil's Devotional: “FAITH DEFINED!” Hebrews 11:1 Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. “ Many times across the years I have asked individuals as well as groups to give their definition of faith. In many instances they have recited Hebrews 11:1. That is well and good, but when I pressed them to explain what that means to them on a personal level I was generally met with a blank stare. The vital element of faith as given in this verse is evidence. Having spent many years in the field of criminal justice I quickly discovered that evidence is essential in order to substantiate the claims for or against the charges. In Hebrews 11:1 we find evidence that is yet to be seen or experienced. How can that be? I liken that to making a trip to buy an ice cream cone. On the way we begin to think about our favorite flavor. Our salivary glands begin to kick into operation and we start to enjoy the ice cream before
​PASTOR CECIL · Pastor Cecil's Devotional: “OUR LORD LOVES US ENOUGH!” Colossians 3:17 OUR LORD LOVES US ENOUGH! Colossians 3:17 – Devotional Colossians 3:17 “Let whatever you do in word or deed; do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. “ I was a boy during a time when love and discipline went hand in hand. I received my share of spankings, but the truth be known, I got by with many deeds for which a switch was deserved. That sounds weird in a day and age when discipline is considered an evil deed and the result is disorder, conflict, and chaos. We humans have a strange habit of going to extremes. From too much to too little we are prone to err. One of the ways to keep discipline in proper order is to spend time in prayer, before, during and after discipline. The broken hearted prayer of a parent about to dispense discipline will often have a greater effect than the discipline itself. When we do everything for the Lord, we place ourselve