Friday, January 13, 2023


John 14:1 – Devotional

John 14:1

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.


D. L. Moody tells a heart warming story/lesson that his young daughter learned and in turn he did too . . .

“One of the sweetest lessons that I have learned since I have been in Christ’s school is just to be submissive, and let him choose for me. I tell him what I want, but when I get through, I like to say, “Now, Lord, You know best, Thy will be done.”

I learned a lesson once from my little girl. She was always teasing me for a great big doll. She had a lot of dolls around the house without heads, some without arms, some without legs, but she wanted a great big doll.

You know if a man has an only daughter he is rather soft and they find it out … so she was determined to get that big doll. One day I had a good streak come over me, and I took her to a toy shop to get her a doll, but as we went in the door she saw a basket of little China dolls. “Oh Papa, isn’t that the cutest little doll you ever saw?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Well, won’t you buy it?”

“Well, now, Emma, let me choose this time.”

“Oh, no, Papa; I just want this little doll.”

I paid a nickel for the doll and took her home.

After the newness had worn off, the doll was left with all the others.

I said, “Emma, do you know what I was going to do that day when I took you into the toy shop, and you selected that little China doll?”

“No, Papa.”

“Well, I was going to buy you one of those great big ones.”

“You were? Why didn’t you do it?”

“Because you wouldn’t let me. You remember that you wanted that little doll, and you would have it.”

The little thing saw the point, and she bit her lips and did not say anything more. From that day to this I cannot get her to say what she wants. When I was going to Europe the last time, I asked her what she wanted me to bring her, and she said, “Anything you like.”

It is far better to let God choose for us then to choose for ourselves. “Thy will, not mine, be done.”

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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