Saturday, November 5, 2016

Pastor Cecil A. Thompson Summer / Fall 2016 MINISTRY UPDATE NEWSLETTER

Pastor Cecil A. Thompson
Summer / Fall 2016 

Dear Friends,

After my wife Joyce died in January 2015, I made a commitment to turn my grief into positive ministries.

God has richly blessed me with open doors of service beyond anything I have ever experienced before. I am including a current report of what God is allowing me to accomplish.

I am pastor of Tumwater Chapel of Grace. It is a small congregation that meets in a funeral chapel. Over the years I have been called upon to officiate at hundreds of funerals. It allows me to minister to families at a critical time in their life.

Our small congregation has had a profound ministry in reaching into prisons and assisting individuals and families that are destitute. Since October 2000 I send out a Daily-E-Votional to thousands of subscribers five days a week. In addition, I record a daily reading that covers the bible in one year. I also have started recording a weekly sermon that I send out on Saturdayand Sunday. I have written and published five books in the past 18 months and if my memory is correct that makes a total of eight books.

The important thing is for each of us to share Jesus and His love with everyone we meet.  Please greet one another with the sweet spirit of love that I feel for each of you. I may not be able to see you personally in this life, but I eagerly look forward to a wonderful “Homecoming Celebration” that will continue through eternity.

Blessings D​ear H​earts!

- - - Pastor Cecil

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